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Family Ties by Amanda Pierce
Family Ties
The following story is an erotic fantasy. Erotic to titillate you
for temporal, harmless enjoyment and entertainment; but it is also
illusions created in the mind for our own private amusement. The world of
fantasy and the real world are, and should be, two separate worlds
In fantasy, we can create people, places and events which simply do not
belong to, and are not appropriate for, the real world.
In the real world, we should all strive for the basic human values which
reality dictates: love, truth, dignity, responsibility, compassion,
and respect. These are the qualities by which we should strive to live.
Enjoy fantasy by all means, but never confuse it with reality.
The young woman walked swiftly and confidently up the long walk to the
southern mansion. The magnolias were in bloom and the air filled with the
fresh warm quality of springtime in the South.
She paused briefly to gaze at the stately columns, large windows and
impressive double front doors. The house was well kept and freshly
The grounds were neatly manicured, the front lawn a rich deep green.
Flowering trees and plants lined both walk and driveway.
Quite a contrast, she thought, to many of the old southern homes which
fallen into decay and ruin. But then finding a house like this so close
the bayou was unusual in itself.
She smiled and rang the doorbell.
"I'll get it," Claire Walker called up the stairs to her husband in a
southern accent. "It's probably the woman here for the interview."
At forty three, Claire was not an unattractive woman. Never a spectacular
beauty, her face nonetheless held soft rounded features which were
and middle age had been kind. She now worked out religiously in aerobics
her body was probably in better shape than at any time since she was in
college. Her husband told her often how wonderful she looked and she
dressing in feminine attire which complimented her figure.
"I'll be right down," came the reply from upstairs.
"Hello, I'm Shanti Lubois," said the strikingly attractive, dark haired
young woman. "I'm here for the job interview."
"Yes, do come in," said Claire opening the door and leading the other
through the front hallway and into the sitting room where they seated
themselves. "I'm Claire Walker. My husband will join us shortly. Did you
have a pleasant drive out from town?"
"I don't live in town Mrs. Walker. My family has lived in the bayou for
three generations."
The young woman's eyes caught and held those of the housewife. Large,
and deeply expressive, they seemed to convey much more than words ever
could, as if to say, you can never know me, as if to say, but you'd like
wouldn't you? "Then you're Cajun?" asked the older woman, noticing the
slight but decided accent.
"Creole actually. This is a lovely old home," she said, changing the
subject, "has it been in your family a long time?"
"Since around the turn of the century," came a masculine voice from the
doorway. Drummond Walker strode into the room with a warm smile as the
women looked up.
"Shawn-tay Do-bwa," introduced Claire, pronouncing the name as the girl
done, since she thought from its spelling on the application form it
be pronounced differently, "my husband Drummond."
"Charmed," he said, looking into eyes that laughed while a slight smile
crossed her face. Claire did not notice Shanti's eyes roam over the body
her husband and return to capture his stare.
In the moment before he could break the reverie and turn away, her eyes
a subtle but clear message, woman to man, which gave Drummond Walker
to collect himself and his thoughts.
"Uh.....you asked about the house," he said, breaking away from the eyes
which whispered, which promised, which lured.
"Actually it was built in the nineteenth century by some old crazy
who apparently came into a sudden inheritance.
He built the house way out here.....God knows why.....then proceeded to
drink and spend himself right back into poverty.
The place was about to be taken by the county for back taxes and was in
pretty bad shape when my great grandfather bought it for a song and
fixed it
up. There's been a Drummond living here ever since."
"What of the old Frenchman?" asked the girl.
"Lord only knows. Probably drank himself to death.....but what of you
Dubois? Why are you interested in becoming our housekeeper?"
The young woman smiled at them both.
"Recently, I moved out of my parent's house to be on my own. I've never
a live-in housekeeper before, but I have cleaned and cooked for a number
families. You have my references."
"Yes," said Claire, "your references are excellent. You do know we have a
son and daughter, Jody and Laura? They're in town at the moment. Jody is
junior in high school. His sister is a freshman in college. She's home
the summer. Of course they're old enough to care for themselves, but it
mean extra meals and laundry."
"They explained that at the agency. I have three brothers and two
Since my mother died when I was nine, I have just about raised them
"Sounds like you've had it pretty rough," commented Drummond.
"I do all right," was all she said, sneaking a smile at the husband,
said plenty.
"Is the salary acceptable?" asked Claire.
"Yes. It's fine."
"Well," said the wife, rising from the chair, the interview obviously
"we'll be in touch if....."
"Would you excuse us a moment," interrupted Claire's husband, motioning
his wife to join him in the other room.
Claire looked at him quizzically, but followed, Drummond shutting the
behind them.
"Claire, what is this, we'll be in touch, business? This is the seventh
person we have interviewed. How long is this going to go on?"
"But Drummond, I just want to be sure we get the best person we can."
"But it has to stop somewhere. Look, she has the best references of them
and besides, sh
e obviously needs the job."
"And it doesn't hurt that she's attractive either?" joked Claire.
"Not a bit," he laughed.
"No buts! Let's hire her. If for any reason she doesn't work out, we'll
simply start looking again. What do you say?"
She met his smile with one of her own.
"Oh, all right. Does this mean I get my way the next time we disagree?"
"Quite possibly," he said laughing as they opened the door, "but don't
on it."
"Miss Dubois, the job is yours! When can you start?"
"Please call me Shanti. I need only bring my things. I can begin
immediately," replied the young woman warmly.
"All right then dear, why don't you get you things and get settled in
afternoon. We have a room already prepared. You can start first thing in
As they closed the door behind their new housekeeper, Claire looked to
"I do hope she will work out all right."
"So do I," he said, the image of the young woman's swaying hips as she
walked down the front steps still fresh in his mind, "so do I."
Neither could see the sly smile on the young woman's face, nor did they
any inclination as to her delicious feeling of satisfaction knowing that
Drummond Walker had indeed been watching the sensuous movement of her
as she departed.
The new housekeeper had returned and quickly unpacked her few meager
possessions. Claire and Drummond had invited Shanti to dine with them
evening as their guest, a gesture to get things off to a good start and
introduce her to their son and daughter. The young woman was seemingly
reluctant but finally, upon continued urging, especially from Drummond,
As she was dressing for dinner, there was a knock at Shanti's door.
the sweater on hurriedly, she opened the door to find a girl only a year
so her junior, but with the appearance of someone much younger. Shanti's
figure was trim, but her bust and hips were full, her legs curvaceous.
girl who stood before her wore no makeup and her hair, unlike the
was straight and blonde. She had the figure of an adolescent. Her breasts
and hips were late in developing and her legs showed little shapeliness.
face, like her mother's, was not unattractive, simply unremarkable. She
seemed a bit ill at ease, but smiled at the housekeeper.
"Hi, I'm Laura. Mom said we'd get to meet you tonight, but I thought I'd
stop by early and say welcome."
"How sweet," said the older of the two, "please come in."
"I hope I'm not keeping you from anything."
"Not at all. I was simply getting ready for dinner. I shall enjoy being a
guest. From now on, I shall be the servant."
"Mom says you're only a couple of years older than I am. I hope we can be
"What about your friends from college?"
"To tell you the truth," confided the blonde, "I haven't many college
friends. The guys don't find me very attractive and that means the girls
don't have much to do with me either."
Shanti immediately realized what an opportunity had just presented
itself. A
plain and obviously inexperienced young girl with low self esteem.
her first conquest would not be the father after all.
"Really?" observed the dark skinned beauty, moving closer.
"I'm surprised that such loveliness would go unnoticed."
Blushing, Laura made as if to turn away, but Shanti's hand went out to
cradle her face and their eyes met.
"Every woman needs to know from someone how attractive she is, Laura.
a lovely young woman."
Again there was a reddening in Laura's face.
"Yeah, with the figure of a bean pole," she laughed self- deprecatingly.
The Creole gently coaxed the younger girl's face nearer.
Her gaze bore into Laura's large blue eyes.
"How a woman's body looks is not nearly as important as how it responds,"
she said, her hand slowly, sensuously drifting through Laura's hair,
her neck, down between her breasts and as the girl's mouth opened in a
slight surprised gasp, rested near her navel.
Laura was both aghast and excited. Never having been touched like this by
anyone, let alone a woman, she wanted on the one hand to retreat, yet as
temperature quickly climbed, she felt her small nipples harden and she
entranced by the woman whose eyes were so captivating, whose hands were
".....I.....I guess I have a lot to learn," she stammered.
"I'll teach you if you want, Laura," came the breathy reply.
".....I.....I hardly know you."
"Then why don't we get to know each other better?"
Shanti's hand began a slow descent. Their eyes still riveted together, a
slight smile crossed the older girl's lips.
"We all want it, Laura. The only question is, do you want it badly
There was perspiration now on the girl's forehead. Her heart was racing,
breathing labored. Still her eyes could not leave those of the beautiful
temptress whose hand slowly roamed over her dress, nearer and nearer
she had never been touched before.
The fingers were tantalizingly close now, as Laura felt her dress lifted
slowly and the sensuous fingers find her bare flesh.
".....I can't......I shouldn't........" she breathed.
Shanti found the top of the girl's panties and her hand, finger by
found its way inside.
"Do you want it, Laura?" the Creole whispered in Laura's ear.
The fingers found pubic hair and paused just above the soft pink lips.
Her eyes wide in amazement and excitement, Claire Walker's daughter was
beginning to burn with need. Never had she known such desire existed, let
alone that she could experience it. Her breathing was very heavy now as
was almost gasping for air.
"How do you know, Laura? How can you possibly know until you've
Shanti's other hand came under the girl's chin as her soft thick lips
closer to those of the college girl.
"Oh no, I couldn....."
Their lips met in a sensuous blaze. For one brief moment, Laura started
pull away, but the lips she tasted were soft, warm and sweet, so her
surrender was immediate and total. She opened her mouth to the tongue
probed her lips. It drove deeply into her and she drank heavily of the
sweetness which flowed from the mouth and tongue of the woman who held
Laura's arms went around her seductress in passion and surrender.
"Tell me Laura, tell me!" was Shanti's impassioned command.
"Yes! Yes!" the girl cried urgently as the fingers found her nest.
"Oh.....Oh......" she moaned as labial lips were caressed.
"Oh Yes, please YES!" she begged as their lips met again and Shanti's
began to penetrate the girl for the first time.
"Laura!" came Claire's voice from downstairs, "could you come help me
the salad?"
Laura broke away at the sound of her mother's voice, shame and
burning her cheeks.
"I.....I have to go," she said urgently.
"Of course," answered her beautiful temptress, "for now."
"No, you don't understand. I can't.....I shouldn't......"
"Isn't it about time you started deciding what you want?" asked Shanti.
"But I've never....."
"All the more reason! Laura, you're attractive and intelligent. You want
know. You want to decide for yourself.
Don't be afraid any longer. Go ahead, experiment! If you don't like it,
can always back away."